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click on the bread (taehyung!!) to play

tete the baker has an important bread delivery to make today and needs your help!!

click on bread to continue

1. uh oh time is ticking and looks like taehyung is running short on a key ingredient!! what should he do?

as taehyung is walking to the store, he gets distracted by a puppy on the street and ends up playing with it for the rest of the evening!

smart and efficient!! taehyung goes to the store and comes back to his bakery with enough time!
he's very happy with your choice and let's you squish his cheeks 2 times!

oh no looks like the store mixed up
the orders and sent the wrong ingredient :(


taehyung is sad and he blames you.

2. taehyung is feeling a little bored as he is busy baking! he asks you to entertain him! what do you do?

taehyung finds the joke so unfunny, he's offended to have heard it and leaves the bakery!

taehyung is bored of your story and ends up falling asleep on the counter!

taehyung joins you and you both end up singing and laughing together! taehyung is energised and continues baking with a smile :D

3. the bread is baking in the oven! as taehyung waits for it, he asks you to give him headpats! how many times do you pat his head?

oh no taehyung thinks he was deserving of more head pats :( now he's sitting in the corner pouting and refusing to check on the bread!

that is exactly the number of head pats taehyung needed! he tells you he loves you and gets up to check on the bread!

looks like that was too many head pats and taehyung got too comfortable...
now he's fast asleep and the bread has burnt!

4. the bread is baked to perfection! taehyung has to now deliver the bread! how should he deliver it?

his bicycle has a flat tire! taehyung does not make the delivery on time!

this time, taehyung takes a route he knows is clear of any distractions (doggos!!!) and makes it in time to the customer's house!

5. the customers are very happy with the delivery and invite taehyung in!! what does taehyung do?

although he delivered the bread on time, taehyung feels alone and sad now! he's won.. but at what cost?

the customers are very happy that taehyung said yes!! they all sit together and enjoy the bread!!


taehyung is very proud of you!!
he delivered his bread on time and made 6 new friends!!!

thankyou for playing

the customers are very sad taehyung said no which in turn makes taehyung sad.